
2024 Winners

Best Statistical Analysis

Discrepancies in Chapter Difficulty and Outcome by Eddy Ding, Daniel Henderson, Maxim Chadaev and Siddhant Borkar.

The judges were impressed by the creation of a statistic to evaluate the relative difficulty of chapters and subsequent recommendations to the data provider.

Best Insight

Plagiarism on CourseKata by Evan Glas, Henry Holbrook, Ben Perry, Addison Phelps and Roy Chen.

The judges were impressed by the unique topic analyzed and story told by this team regarding plagiarism in the online platform.

Best Visualizations

From “Hello World” to Beyond by Eric Rios, Lisa Wang, Luopeiwen Yi and Jiayi Zhou.

The judges were impressed by this team’s ability to create clear, easy to understand visuals of how students spend their time.

Best Use of Outside Data

Chapter Engagement by Anmol Sapru, Tate Staples, Gabriel Paley and Kevin Lee.

The judges were impressed by this team’s ability to scrape data from the platform’s web page such as number of pixels as a measure of “scroll length” to determine a relationship between chapter length and chapter engagement.

Judges’ Pick

Project recognized by the judges for outstanding achievement outside of the core award categories.

Learning Style Segmentation for Personalized Education by Alex Katopodis, Miles King, Jonathan Levitan and Jackson Peurach.

The judges were impressed by this group’s identification of nuanced user segments and the detailed recommendations to the data providers.

Honorable Mentions

Student Clusters by Gunel Aghakishiyeva, Daniela Jimenez and Shaila Guereca.

Beyond the Numbers: Unlocking Student Engagement in Statistics by Senam Adedze, Sonia Zhu, Wangley Soares Martins, Mia Lam and Sam Reid.

Past winners

Click here to see past winners.