Workshops are graciously hosted by Duke’s Center for Data and Visualization Sciences. Live workshops and information on registration will be listed here. Additionally, links to several previously recorded workshops are provided below.
Live workshops
Feb 13
R for Lunch: Streamlining reproducible workflows - from code to reports, slides & dashboards
Location: Bostock 127 (The Edge Workshop Room)
Time: 12-1pm
Description: Explore RStudio configurations that enable reproducible workflows and simplify generating reports from code.
Register: Click here to register.
Feb 27
R for Lunch: Custom functions and ggplot2
Location: Bostock 127 (The Edge Workshop Room)
Time: 12-1pm
Description: Learn how custom functions work in R and how they can be used to explore your data and to tell stories with the charts you create using ggplot2, particularly in a presentation setting.
Register: Click here to register
Pre-recorded workshops
Data Visualization
Effective Data Visualization |
Presenting Data Science Results to Stakeholders |
Intro to Tableau |
Visualization in Python with Altair |
Data wrangling in Python
Intro to Tablular Data in Python & JupyterLab |
Tidy data (melt) & JOIN (merge) |
GroupBy & Pivot Tables |